Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cheeseburger Haiku - P.J. Clarke's

I certainly have been eating a lot of burgers as of late, and I think that's why I've been stuck in a state of burger ennui. Not that I don't like eating burgers and lots of 'em, but eating burgers carries with it the responsibility of sitting down and trying to think of something clever to say about my experience, and the phrase 'too much of a good thing' comes to mind when I think about my recent burger escapades, my summer burger extravaganza, so I took a couple of weeks off from burgering and haikuing to recharge my burger batteries. Which is why this burger I ate three weeks ago is just being haikued about today.

It's been an entire year since I started cataloging every burger I've eaten--only two burgers absent from review--and a wonderful year it has been, but the rest was mucho needed. This burger lull may also be attributed to my relative busy summer schedule couple with who-the-hell-wants-to-do-burger-poetry-when-it's-this-freakin'-nice-out syndrome. I expect to get back into the swing of things soon, so look for the most explosive cheeseburger haiku of all ever.

Here's a sweet Devin Townsend song I've been rocking out to: Deconstruction. Sorry, but I I could not embed. Here's a picture of me with Cap's shield instead.

Allow me to say a few words about the most recent burger. It was the Cadillac Burger from PJ Clarke's; it cost 14 bucks. It was a really small burger and not worth 14 bucks. The rest of the menu looked delicious, and if I go back I'm not going to spend 14 bucks on a small burger, even though it was a tasty burger.

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